Swarthmore Post-Graduate Outcomes
Learn more about the first destinations for our Swarthmore grads.
Support Students & Career Services Initiatives
Any questions or want to discuss other ideas with our Employer Connections team? Please reach out to recruiting@swarthmore.edu.

Mentor Current Students
SwatLink makes it easy for students to engage with alumni and parents for networking, career exploration, or connection based on shared interest. SwatLink only open to the Swarthmore Community. Also, Parents can join our Swatties Helping Swatties group on LinkedIn to support students.

Connect Us with Your Employer
Share the contact information for your organization so that our team can reach out and inquire about building a partnership. Please email details to recruiting@swarthmore.edu.

Submit to Casual Fridays Series
CASUAL FRIDAYS is a blog series that features some of our employer partners who are looking to showcase their organizations by sharing details about their work, mission, values, hiring and much more. We are always looking for new employers to feature on our blog!

Post an Opportunity on Handshake
Post your jobs, internships and other opportunities for free in Handshake. Reach students and alumni from Swarthmore. Don’t have a Handshake employer account? Sign up for an employer account and start posting today!

Host a SwatWorks Project
Through SwatWorks, students from all majors can execute professional assignments to build and demonstrate skills while exploring a variety of career paths. Mentored SwatWorks projects are funded by a grant from the College. Parents are welcome and encouraged to submit projects.

Consortia and Fairs
Encourage your employers to recruit students through one of our recruiting events in collaboration with other top institutions.

Join the Swarthmore Family Ambassadors program
The Family Ambassador program is a representative group of Swarthmore parents and family members who serve as informed ambassadors of the College. Parents and families can get involved in a number of ways throughout the campus, including various career-related initiatives.