Students! We want to hear from you!
We want to celebrate faculty/staff who have been influential to your career journey by dropping them a note and a "sweet treat" to let them know we appreciate them.
Explore data insights derived from social media and collaborate with Commonwealth Bank’s data science team to design a database.
Welcome …
This program, based on real work, will teach you the skills you need to build web applications for top startups.
Get your Power BI skills in shape with PwC.
Fiddling around in Excel sheets just doesn’t suit a digital jedi. …
Explore the power of data and its ability to power breakthrough possibilities for individuals, organisations and societies with Quantium.
Founded …
Build an end to end understanding of the Software Development Lifecycle as you experience life as a developer at Accenture
Explore the critical role of a product manager at one of the world’s leading video game companies.
Welcome to our …
Assist the cybersecurity consulting team and become an IAM expert by enhancing TechCorp’s digital defences
Welcome to the Cybersecurity IAM …
Advise one of Cognizant’s clients on a supply chain issue by applying knowledge of machine learning models
Welcome to Cognizant! …
Work with our different technology and digital teams to help Fidelity manage security risks, transition to new tools, and analyze …