DISCLAIMER: This blog is intended solely as a GUIDE and not as a set of instructions. Given each international student’s situation is unique, we strongly advise you to be in contact with *International Student Center (ISC)* prior to making important decisions or have any questions
*The International Student Center is located in the Hormel-Ngyuen Intercultural Center at Sproul Hall
*ISC Team
Jennifer Marks-Gold: jgold12@swarthmore.edu
Kathryn Melvin: kmelvin1@swarthmore.edu
Lesley Reyes Pina: lreyesp1@swarthmore.edu
Social Security Number (SSN) is a nine-digit number assigned to U.S. citizens and some residents by the Social Security Administration for tax-reporting purposes. With SSN, you can pay your taxes and start your first job on campus!
You will need a SSN if you hold employment in the U.S. The employers will use SSN to withhold taxes on earnings and you will need it to file a tax return.
After you arrive in the U.S, we recommend you to wait approximately 2 weeks before starting your SSN application process. As the International Student Center registers you in the SEVIS system, it takes some time for your record to be updated in the Social Security Administration System.
You cannot receive a SSN without having a job offer. (First year international students can find jobs through Jobx). After accepting a job offer, your employer will sign an Employment Verification Letter––a required document for the SSN application process.
You must have originals and copies on hand for your appointment.
*A completed Application for a Social Security Card at
*Passport (Unexpired) original and copies
*F1/J1 Visa- original and copies
*Arrival/Departure Record: I-94
*Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status:
I-20 or DS-2019 (Your original and a copy)
*Employment Verification Form:
- A statement from your employer that identifies you; your current school status; and the nature of the work.
- It should also include your job, your employment start date; the number of hours you will be working; and your supervisor’s name and number.
- It should be SIGNED by you, your supervisor, PDSO/DSO.*
*PDSO: Primary Designated School Official: Jennifer Marks-Gold
DSO: Kathryn Melvin and Lesley Reyes Pina
If you need more information, please refer to International Student Handbook (section SSN): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BsS_WVs2XfyNX-z89oudmxlS5Gmh478ycIce337S-yM/edit#heading=h.cw622jxrjv3r
Once you gather all the documents, you can apply for SSN at the Social Security Office. We recommend you to go with other international students and share the costs of transportation (Uber/Lyft).
The nearest Social Security office is located at:
807 Crosby Street
Chester, PA. 19013
Phone: +1 800-772-1213
Here are the Social Security Office Hours:
MON: 09:00 AM – 04:00 PM
TUES: 09:00 AM – 04:00 PM
WED: 09:00 AM – 04:00 PM
THUR: 09:00 AM – 04:00 PM
FRI: 09:00 AM – 04:00 PM
Written by Career Fellows, Sofia Perez Barrios 26′ and Sherri Hong 26′.