A P&L statement, also known as a profit and loss statement or income statement, is a financial document that explains a company’s financial health for a given accounting period. Finance professionals often use P&L statements in investment banking, corporate finance, …
Financial analyst interview questions are a mix of technical questions designed to test your hard skills and behavioral questions that help the employer know if you have the soft skills to fit in with the company culture. You’ll likely need …
So you didn’t get accepted to the Goldman Sachs Summer Analyst Program or any “Big Bank” internship for that matter, or maybe you were just too late to the application process. What do you do now?
My friend and 30/20 Vision radio show co-host Lindsey Pollak and I had the opportunity to contribute to Marci Alboher’s New York Times career coach roundtable on management consulting and investment banking as careers for soon-to-be college grads. Here was …
SwatLink makes networking and mentoring that much easier. This closed, online networking and mentoring community facilitates natural connections between Swarthmore …